Gewaltprävention und soziale Kompetenzen in der Schule

Children and young adults are often viewed as being "difficult" - and also violent. Both teachers and parents are pushed to their limits and feel uncertain about how to respond nonviolently. This book explains new strategies for action and innovative practical models for preventing violence, instead of applying punishments and humiliation, and shows how early and targeted action can promote social...
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Children and young adults are often viewed as being "difficult" - and also violent. Both teachers and parents are pushed to their limits and feel uncertain about how to respond nonviolently. This book explains new strategies for action and innovative practical models for preventing violence, instead of applying punishments and humiliation, and shows how early and targeted action can promote social...
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  • ISBN: 9783170327146
  • Publication Date: Nov 15, 2017
  • Publisher: KOHLHAMMER
  • Format: mobi

