Women's nature

It is a book for the scholar Al -Faqih Abu Omar, Shihab Al -Din Ahmed bin Muhammad bin Abd Rabbuh Ibn Habib Ibn Huddir bin Salem, known as Ibn Abd Rabbo Al -Andalusi. It is a book that is a collection of women's nature and their news, and what is praise and vilifying them. From what is stated in it: In choosing a good and viscous, the wife, and the praise of ten women, for women from the news of w...
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9,99 €
It is a book for the scholar Al -Faqih Abu Omar, Shihab Al -Din Ahmed bin Muhammad bin Abd Rabbuh Ibn Habib Ibn Huddir bin Salem, known as Ibn Abd Rabbo Al -Andalusi. It is a book that is a collection of women's nature and their news, and what is praise and vilifying them. From what is stated in it: In choosing a good and viscous, the wife, and the praise of ten women, for women from the news of w...
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  • ISBN: 9786981634687
  • Publication Date: Nov 22, 1900
  • Publisher: RUFOOF
  • Format: epub

