My pen said it

To be a poet is to create and march to one's own beat. To be a poet against the malignant rhythm of this godforsaken prison, is a revolutionary act governed by a love greater than the hate Pete is so often forced to bear. Pete is a poet. He is not beyond a prisoner's burden, but he refuses to allow it to define him. From a broken and bruised place, Pete's poems are butterflies that cannot be confi...
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2,99 €
To be a poet is to create and march to one's own beat. To be a poet against the malignant rhythm of this godforsaken prison, is a revolutionary act governed by a love greater than the hate Pete is so often forced to bear. Pete is a poet. He is not beyond a prisoner's burden, but he refuses to allow it to define him. From a broken and bruised place, Pete's poems are butterflies that cannot be confi...
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  • ISBN: 9783757870751
  • Publication Date: May 8, 2023
  • Publisher: BOOKS ON DEMAND
  • Format: epub

